Current and recent activities
1st Whitstable Scouts take part in a wide range of activities across all sections with regular events that include scout groups from across Kent and beyond.
In 2022 the Scouts and Explorers took part in the Kent International Jamboree a festival of fun, friends and adventure.
The Cubs and Beavers visited Chatham Historic Dockyard for "Ahoy!" a Pirate themed day of activities, learning and overall nautical enjoyment.
In 2023 all sections had Camping opportunities. The Scouts joined the Kent Air Camp where they participated in flying at a local airfield!
Every week during section meetings the young people take part in a varied programme that is put together by the volunteer leaders and their helpers.

Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. But we also get to hang out with our friends every week – having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.
Every week 6-18 year olds learn the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life.
Everyone’s welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Regardless of your child’s physical ability – there’s a Scout adventure out there waiting for them. And we’ll help them find it.